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Blue Skies Bring Heavy Equipment!

Yesterday's sunshine brought a flurry of activity to the farm.

I arrived at the barn and was greeted by little Leo,
who couldn't wait to tell me all about the scary equipment.

The excavator had brought truckloads of stone dust and
was moving it all around to make a base for the arena.

The contractors were busy digging holes for all of the poles.

Following the hole digger was the cement truck,
pouring cement footers for each pole.

Wednesday is scheduled for delivery of the poles and the lumber.
Unfortunately, though, there is 100 % chance of rain on Wednesday...
with a chance of a heavy accumulation.
One step forward.....two steps back!

While at the barn, I took a little time to harvest most of the remaining veggies.

All that is left are more carrots.
Our gardening season is almost officially over.
Once the garden is safely tucked in for the winter,
the outside work load is lessened considerably.

If you are thinking about next year's garden yet,
I would highly recommend the red dragon carrots.
They are quite tasty and look so healthy with that bright red skin.
(Oh, and I never peel my homegrown carrots...just clean them with a brush.)

I should also mention that there is no better cutting flower to include in your
summer garden than the zinnia.
Here is the last of ours...

Zinnias are prolific bloomers and will keep you supplied in fresh cut
 colorful bouquets from June through October.
It is one "can do" plant for sure!

Oh, and here is how Moonbeam handles the presence of heavy equipment next to his pasture....

Hopefully Moonbeam and I will get a trail ride in today before the rains come.
And to answer a question from yesterday....
Yes, I did have an accident with Moonbeam a couple of years ago...
one that scared me more than anything.
The big horse accident had occurred a year before that on Briggs,
a quarterhorse....a mishap that cost me fractured ribs and pelvis.
But that's the past...and we are not going to revisit that!

I was amazed by all of your comments about your own horse accidents....
I guess it just goes with the territory.

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