Adam Strange is an ordinary, everyday archaeologist. Well, more like a movie serial archaeologist who happens to discover a lost Incan treasure (without lifting a shovel) gets chased by hostile natives and leaps over a cliff. But that's not the far-fetched part.
As Adam makes his risky leap, he is teleported from Earth to the planet Rann, orbiting the "star-sun" Alpha Centauri- 25 trillion miles away. Strange finds himself in the company of a pretty young woman who takes him to see her scientist father. Their language barrier is overcome easily by hooking Adam to the "Menticizer" a "remarkable device that lets our children talk from the day they are born!" - I love how space people and people from the future always seem so excited by what are clearly mundane things in their own world. - Also, "children talk from the day they are born?". Really? What do they say? "Hungry!", "Wet!" "Sleepy!" "There you are!"... what a breakthrough.
Once Adam can understand Alanna and her father Sardath, Sardath explains Adam's bizarre arrival on the planet Rann. Apparently, Rann sent out radio beams to Earth a little over 4 years ago hoping to communicate with Earth. Somehow the radio beams were transformed into a teleportation beam or "Zeta-Beam". It took a little over 4 years because Alpha Centauri is 4.3 light years from Sol.
Now I'm no astrophysicist, but firstly, do radio waves travel at light speed?? Not that I'm aware of. Secondly, if the "Zeta-Beam" travels at light speed and it took 4.3 light years to reach Earth... wouldn't it have taken another 4.3 years for Adam Strange to reach Rann????
Any way, despite Rann's superior, advanced technology it takes a clodhopper from Earth to defeat an alien invasion (don't you people rate a Green Lantern?). Which just happens to start right after Adam Strange arrives. Which is pretty much the theme of every Adam Strange story of the entire Silver Age.
Adam Strange is a likeable comic. It borrows heavily from
John Carter of Mars and
Buck Rogers, but has it's own, unique voice. The way each story ends with Adam being teleported back to Earth, away from a world of adventure and the woman he loves is somehow genuinely poigniant. Strange lives his life on Earth counting the days, hours and minutes until the next Zeta-Beam to Rann. I can imagine a few readers found themselves counting the weeks until the next issue of
Mystery in Space.