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Kaz Hirai To Address PSN Security Breach

Perhaps you have seen this man at Sony's E3 Press Conferences on stage. He's usually there to announce new hardware and online services. Some call Kazuo Hirai, but we like to call him Kaz and tomorrow and 2:00p.m and 1a.m. EDT in Tokyo, Hirai-san will address the media and answer their questions concerning PlayStation Networks Security Breach.

Sony Computer Entertainment have been under a great deal of stress over the last week or so trying to rebuild their online service and deal with the media and Senators alike as well as the hackers who hacked the system and forced it into shutdown.

Really, we have no way of knowing how this is going to effect PlayStation Network from here on out. The energy and resources that are having to be dumped into solving this issue that could be going toward a productive E3, furthering game development and research or I'm sure Sony really doesn't want it and are going to do whatever they can for avoid it, but perhaps Microsoft will have the last word in the importance of having a paid online service. (Hopefully we won't reach that point even throughout the life of the PlayStation 4) But we know one thing, that's hopefully for certain, PlayStation Network is going to be a lot more secure from here on out.

My opinion still stands however. I want to finish this. I want to move on and put resources where they'll really matter in providing an excellent gaming service. We're growing tired of writing about this and really would like to move on.

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