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Mountain Murder / The Big Game Hunter

For our weekly Friday Frights this time around, let's all first reflect on what a Mega-Meh Springtime this has been so far. One day it's Spring, the next day it's back to Winter again. Nice. Bad. Hot. Cold. Warm. Frigid. Shimmering rays. Freezing rain. Yay! Ugh! ad nauseam... So to further fuel this downright deplorable discussion, I have two tales for you today that span the gory globe from the highest frozen mountain peaks, to the deepest, darkest corners of the sweltering jungles of Africa. One tale icy cool, the other boiling mad, and both are seriously just a wee bit crazy! Also, both are from the great 1950's Fight Against Crime horror / suspense series from Story Comics-- #12 and #13 to be exact-- just click the highlighted issue # for more info! Plus, two fine examples of mid-century advertising imitating "art."

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