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Nurgle Army Update: Two Dwarfs and a Unicorn

Allright! Got some painting done!

Turing my focus back to the Chaos Dwarfs for a while so here is two new ones: Origol The Horrible and The Master Of Madness from the Chaos Dwarf Renegades box.

Origol was a pure please to paint. It was one of those minis where everything just worked out with no hassles and he is one of my favorites in the army so far. I love this kind of simple miniatures: A head, a beard and armor (and well a Trident to). It's all you need.

Chaos Dwarf: Origol The Horrible

Chaos Dwarf: The Master Of Madness from the
Chaos Dwarf Renegades box

Next out is a Citadel Runequest Unicorn Broo. Cool!

Citadel Runequest Unicorn Broo

Did a few minor updates to my Chaos Sorcerer on Lizard Steed  from this post (link)

Thats all /Hans

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