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Romantic Homes December Issue 2013

It is COLD and SNOWY
and I am feeling a tad 
lazy tired.

I figured today is a
 a good day to do my
"review" of the December issue of
I have to say that I am really disappointed
they removed the little 
blogger spotlight features
they used to do.
The whole layout of the magazine has changed
somewhat.  It has a "slicker" feel to it now-
with advertising more prominent.
I hate to say this but I really liked he old
format/style better.

that does NOT mean that there aren't some
great features here.
Let's start with something to EAT!
They highlight these cookies from
Aren't those CUTE COOKIES?  
These would be fun to make, wouldn't they?

Do YOU think turquoise/aqua at Christmas?
This is so softly pretty that I just love it!

Try as I might I could not find a direct link
So, it doesn't look like she has 
a web site for her business.
She has a fourteen page spread 
in this issue and it is called
Christmas On The Cape.
Look- See for yourself!
And LOOK here!
Ellen, if you ever read this-
Can I come sit at your table if I promise not to lick the silverware?

And here is our sweet Courtney from
She has been shamelessly 
 copied but cannot be duplicated.
This Victorian Christmas table is shown by the
very talented Jo-Anne Coletti@
If you don't know her and her artwork you are in for a treat.
She is one of a kind.

You know who else is one of a kind?
MyHero's little friend!
Here he is swinging on the dining room chandelier.
He's on his own in this adventure.
My Hero hasn't done that in years-
although I may have a picture of him with 
a lampshade on his head somewhere...

Better be nice to me, MyHero,
or I will post it here!

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