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Tor Gaming Britanan Relics Army Completed

Way back in December 2012 I started a paint along with Gav (The Warped mind and creator of Relics) in which we had to paint 100pts of models a month to finally complete a 400pt Army.

Well I have finished!!! yay fanfare etc... etc... I finally finished a project. I stayed focused, no wargames butterfly oops got distracted by shiny things moments.

So March saw the following updates added to the force.

1 x Company Sergeant Major @ 24pts
1 x Marksman @ 35pts
6 x Troopers @ 7pts each for 42pts overall

Total 101pts




Group Shot

Here is the whole army. It actually comes to 409pts which is not too bad and has yet to have a Colour Party added to the Troopers and a Puppet Dog Hunting Pack with handler to come also.

Mad King Jorges Royal Britanan Army

17th Dragoons
33rd Company of Foote with Grenadier detachment and Company Sergeant Major
Royal Arcanum Guard commander
Royal Rifles Marksman
8th Hargile and Stitchland Highlanders

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