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TSS: Hey, It's Good To Be Back Home Again...

Good morning! Our family adventure is over. We returned home late Friday night, spent Saturday tackling the mountain of laundry and packing Daughter #1 for her return to college, and will be leaving shortly to drive her back. The week went far too quickly.

We spent the first night in Boulder, Colorado before moving on to Vail. The drive through the Rocky Mountains was absolutely spectacular! It's been over 25 years since I listened to John Denver but, much to my family's dismay, it was impossible to resist the urge to sing a chorus or two along the way. Being the off-season, Vail was fairly quiet but we enjoyed the mountain views, hiking, and great restaurants. From there we took the scenic route south to Santa Fe, New Mexico. The picture above was taken as we were leaving the Rockies.

Santa Fe is a very artsy city in the high desert. The Native American crafts and galleries long Canyon Road were amazing. We also enjoyed a few museums and, of course, the great restaurants. There will be some photos to share for the next few weeks of Wordless Wednesdays.

Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson was the only book completed on this trip. It's the first YA title I've read since I was a young adult (did they even have this designation back then?)... and what a great starting point it was! My 16 year old daughter will be reading this shortly and I look forward to discussing it with her. It is also my book club's September selection, so I'll wait and combine a review with the group's reaction. Let's just say high school is a lot different now than it was 30 years ago!

Someone at a Distance by Dorothy Whipple, a Persephone Classic, is my current book. I only managed about 75 pages while on vacation, but can't wait to pick it up again later this evening. Paperback Reader and Verity did a marvelous job hosting the Persephone Reading Week Challenge. Hopefully I can carve out some time later in the week to visit all the participants and read their reviews. It was certainly bad timing on my part to be away all week. Next time, I will schedule my travels around it!

A quick reminder - I will draw a winner in the Two Guys Read Jane Austen giveaway on Tuesday. You can still enter here.

For the week ahead, I will be reviewing That Old Cape Magic by Richard Russo, wrapping up the summer vacation reading challenge, reading Someone at a Distance by Dorothy Whipple, and getting the twins ready for the start of their school year. My blogging routine should begin to return to normal this week and, once school starts, the rest of my life should fall back into place too.

Enjoy your reading time today, and I look forward to visiting all your blogs again soon!

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