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Wedding mood board

Right now, Cecilio and I are enjoying being engaged since the wedding is in 2 years. Our plan after I graduate is that we will start looking at possible venues before we start to book and set the date. It's unfortunate that there's hardly any timeline planners for those on the 2 year plan, because I do want to have fun with all of the planning, however stressful it may be!

I've been going back and forth regarding the vision, and my key words are: classic, romantic, and whimsical. That is the type of ambience I want for our wedding. I just feel that it suits us the most. When wedding planning, some people have different visions: glam, black and white formal, rustic (totally big right now, not our thing), boho, etc. He is super romantic and thoughtful towards me, and even though we are pretty private about our relationship (we don't go super-cheesy "I LOVE YOU SO MUCH" on social media, but we do post pictures of each other, and save the mushy-gush through text, phone and in person), but those who are nearest and dearest see us and see the love we have for each other oozing. They can see it in our eyes. Even before we started dating, our colleagues from the school newspaper we were in thought we were great together and they would give me a few words of encouragement to give him a chance even though I was resistant at first. I'm so glad I said yes to dating, and yes to marrying :)

Our tastes our simple. I also like soft colors. Neutrals and brights I adore as well, but there's something about a soft and sweet theme that I adore. When it comes to planning, Cecilio doesn't really have a lot of demands: Just that all of our guests are comfortable and that we can easily accommodate them, and that we have a Lego cake topper.

Here's what I am envisioning for the following:

Colors: I found "the color scheme". I want powder blue with pink. I knew I have always wanted pink in there somehow, and I thought pink and green would be nice but a family friend already had that for her wedding a few years ago and my sister had pink and peach for hers a long time ago. Add a little cream for accents and we're good to go :)

Venue: We will start planning after I graduate, but we were thinking of a church ceremony (at the Episcopal church we sometimes go to and plan on being members of) and having the reception at one of the Sacramento hotels. That is the safest choice, even though hotels are expensive. It's the safest because of weather conditions. We would love an outdoor garden wedding, but we are planning on having it in March (which means it might rain) or May (may be too hot). My mom suggests having it at Napa, but it's extremely expensive and we're not wine drinkers (ok, I occasionally have some, but I'm not an aficionado like my mom is).

Dress: I can't go into specifics on my dress because 1. I haven't gone dress shopping yet and 2. I don't want Cecilio to know the exact details until he sees me on the big day. All I'm going to say is that I like a lace A-line dress. An A-line is classic and suits all body types, but not over the top like a ballroom gown. Before, I used to imagine myself in a sheath dress. Problem is, magazines and websites always said that the sheaths are more for slim figures. Even when I was size 4/6 slim, I've always had curvy hips and legs (something Cecilio loves). Hopefully, just hopefully I can get off of prednisone soon so I can lose the 20–30 pounds before I can go dress shopping (next year), and pray that I won't have to go on it...for the rest of my life please.

Flowers/decor: I'm going to put both since they kinda tie together. I dream of pink and peach roses with blue hydrangeas and baby's breath, for the bouquets and the reception decor. They are soft and delicate, which go well with a spring wedding and the romantic theme. At first I wanted mason jars to drink...but that...may be a little too rustic (and trendy). I like the idea of putting the flowers in the bell jar (like Beauty and the Beast) on the reception tables with tea candles. Oh! And for each table, I really want a picture of each of us when we were younger (ex: table 1 would have a frame each of both of us at 1 year old). I'm a sucker for nostalgia.

Honeymoon: We've narrowed it down to Paris, Maui, or Puerto Vallarta (Mexico). I've been to Paris and Maui before. Nothing screams romance like The City of Lights. Ooh-la-la, how sweet would it be to relax near the Eiffel Tower, explore Notre Dame and Sacre Coeur cathedrals, and take a boat ride along the Seine River? We could look at art at the Louvre, have a picnic at one of the many gardens, relax at the cafes...Cecilio loves French food and culture (whereas I am more into Italian food and culture) and I want him to experience that. We've gone to a few great French restaurants in San Francisco. Unfortunately, Paris (and Maui) come with a hefty price tag. Maui (Hawaii in general) has gorgeous, swimmable beaches. I am fascinated with the idea of Puerto Vallarta because they have gorgeous beaches (some we can take a boat ride to), and because it is more affordable, authentic and nowhere near as commercial as Cabo or Cancun. I also love Mexican food, thanks to Cecilio introducing me to the authentic kind (he's half Mexican, half Filipino...but ever since I started dating him, I have discovered the greatness in real Mexican cuisine. Before him, I just had Chipotle).

So this is the mood/setting I want for our wedding :) Now I'm trying to peel away from Pinterest or wedding venue websites so I can focus on graduating, but it's really hard..I am a member of The Knot, and one of the forum threads had a title called "2 year engagement but want to plan NOW" which is exactly what I am feeling...Cecilio reminds me all the time, "Don't worry, 2 years may seem long right now but it's gonna go by really quick" and there are great benefits for a long engagement: getting first dibs on the venue/photographer, having time to budget or save up for what you really want, having time to get in shape, and enjoying the relationship on its own before getting caught up on the wedding planning madness. Even through the midst of that, we promise to each other we will enjoy each others company and take a breather on the planning. I'm so excited on what the future will bring for us :) Because in the end, it's all about spending my life with the man I deeply and widely love, my best friend <3

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