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Caledonian Uprising: Codex Option 3: Necrons!

Mumm Ra with his Tachyon Arrow! lol!
Is it the year of the Xenos for Venerable? 2012 that is... (Tau...whoot, no wait Chaos too!...oh but ...fuck)

I've reshaped my old Necrons and have been playing with them quite a bit over the last few weeks, I won the last tournament of the year with them - Blog Wars 2, a 1 day event to be sure, but it was a good run out..

They are ready to hit the tabletops in a major way and at 1750, I'm pretty happy with what I can do. However, as those of you that have a: been following the last few weeks blogging or b: are going, know the Caledonian Uprising is 1850 and with 116 players, I really need to make a mark.

I want top 10%.

Can Mumm-Ra's Evil Robot Squad deliver on this? I've only got to tag on 100 points to Anrakyr's...sorry Mumm-Ra's list, not too hard..

I have been desperately trying to rebuild the army from the ground up incorporating all sorts of shit that I have not really been looking at, Stalkers for one (inspired by the wonderful Warhammer with Zeil..man, is this guy getting enough limelight?), Wraiths are another example...I really want to use some of these dudes...I am literally itching to rip up some of my 20-odd destroyers and turn them into CC Wraiths! Cheap and cool.

So where am I currently at, let's examine:

Anrakyr/Mumm Ra - Command Barge - Gauss Cannon, Warscythe, Tachyon Arrow, Vehicle Control
Over Lord - Command Barge - Gauss Cannon, Warscythe, Shackles
Royal Court One -Veil Cryptek, Destruction Cryptek w. Pulse
Royal Court Two -Veil Cryptek, 2 x Destruction Cryptek 1 w. Pulse
10 Pyrrhian Eternals - Gauss Blasters, Furious Charge/Counter Attack
10 Immortals - Gauss Blasters
5 Warriors
5 Warriors

5 Warriors

8 Scarabs
7 Scarabs
7 Scarabs
Annihilation Barge
Annihilation Barge
Annihilation Barge

So, the 1750 version of this is proven against Mech IG, semi-mech IG, Foot IG, Deathwing, Ghazzie BW Orkz etc. it needs a thorough testing versus SW, BA, GK and DE before I am happy, but I like what I've done with it to stretch it up to 1850.

The second Immortal squad now also has a Veil to port about.
I have a 3rd Scarab squad, otherwise all is the same.

Despite all of this, I still feel it is light on AT. Destroyers may work, I tried to squeeze in Triarch Stalkers but I did not like the list, it felt pressured..trying to push in too much at the expense of everything else working.

Now, Wraiths on the otherhand...I could squeeze these guys in!

5 Wraiths w 3 x Whips and 1 x Caster allow for a little bit of wound allocation, although I am pretty sure that missiles will be targeted at them and Psybolt Auto Dreads, doubling them out when I fail those 3++ saves.. however, versus small arms fire, the 35 points is worthwhile..it is either a bit of wound allocation or a 6th body.

But I can't get these guys into the Anrakyr list without some compromise. I have to drop 1 Immortal from each squad (9 not 10, not a major issue) and combine the Scarabs into 1 x 10 unit.

On the other hand, if I were to get rid of Anrakyr for a WarBarge Lord w. Shackles, I could keep the 10th Immortal from each squad and tool up the Wraiths with Particle Casters and Whips.

However, for the additional 50 points, the real question is, is Anrakyr worth those points? He brings the Mind Control shizzle, 3+ per turn...how many points is this worth? The Tachyon Arrow is 30 points in the codex, but if I had the choice, I'd not take it..but it is a boon for Anrakyr.

The other point is that I have only tested Wraiths once with a DLord attached for lol's. So is it perhaps a better idea to keep the list as it is at the top of the page...?

My final point/posing of a question...Can the Necrons truly trump the likes of the SW and GK lists I have posted over the last couple of days?
This is the real crux of the matter..I want to take Necrons, but as it will be the biggest and perhaps most important tourney of the year (bar the UK40KGT or IndyGT which I did not get a ticket for) then I need to bring the 'A' game...

Meh...I guess there is always Tau too...

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