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In a Rut of Rubbishness

Today saw the longest away trip in our season, the annual 30 plus mile drive out to the strong side at Long Eaton, who despite having beaten us fairly easily last year, decided that an even stronger team was necessary this year.

It's a lovely setting in West Park, with families out enjoying the open space, lots of sport being flayed and the little Fox Covert nature reserve nearby to provide some colour. You may remember I blogged about it last year.

We bowled first, and I didn't bowl well; fair enough, I've had two good games with the ball, can't expect them all to go well. And yet again, this was a very strong side, averaging 10 divisions above ours in ability. Once again our juniors did really well where I didn't, but 277 was always far too many for us to chase.

We started ok if slowly, but then the wheels came off our bus somewhat with run outs and messiness. That the pitch was now starting to get very uneven wasn't helping, the ball began to rear head high one minute, scuttling along the ground the next. I saw some of this, but decided to take a tour of the grounds, taking in the magnificent Harrington Lace Mill that overlooks the ground.

It's not like us to be grouchy.

When I got in, a very slow dippy spinner was bowling, and I tried to get my eye in. 6th ball, I slapped straight to a fielder. My hopes for batting well this year seem to be subsiding horribly, rather as we did.

In order to fit in, I asked a couple of team mates if I should throw my bat as well. They said yes, so I did so, in a sort of "Are you not ENETERTAINED" fashion. Aside from umpiring well at Square Leg, it was the only thing I did well all day. But I enjoyed the game. Usually do, on Sundays.


All text and images copyright CreamCrackeredNature 25.06.17

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