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My 15mm QRF BTR-60 that I ordered a few weeks ago arrived on Monday, and I a quite happy with it.

 Being my first modern vehicle, and the first I have ordered from QRF, I wasn't too sure what to expect with the miniature, and I am rather happy.

The model is in five parts - the hull, two rows of wheels, the turret and the turret gun.

 I had all kinds of images in my mind that I would have to glue on each wheel, so I was really happy when I learnt that the wheels are basically one piece per side.

The wheels were a little bent from the handling in the post*, they they straighten out easily enough. 

Hopefully I can prep the model this week for painting and make quick work on painting it soon.

More photos once I have done some prep.

*the post which was very slow - apparently Australia has a huge back load of parcels at the moment, and the posties are working on Sundays to try and make it manageable.

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