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2011 Photo of the Day: We're Gonna See This Field Soon, Folks...

And the walls will be as they should have been in the first place!!!

Mets vs. Houston, Wednesday, April 20, 2011; 4-3 Loss
This was an interesting game, the last of a 7-game losing streak where Fred Wilpon mouthed off about his team to a New Yorker reporter (I appreciate his fandom, but come on, Fred, you should be smarter than that). The Mets could have won this game, much in the same way they could have won many of their losses over the last several years. RA didn't have it at the beginning but settled down to pitch into the 8th, unfortunately giving up the 4th run in that 8th on a homer. 

Baserunning blunders led to the demise of the Mets. Mistakes of this caliber are what made last year such a transitional year, and with the bullpen upgrade and tighter ball-play, this 2012 team should be better than their 85-loss counterparts. That's been the difference between winning and losing for the Mets. What I like about Terry Collins and Sandy Alderson is that they don't seem to have tolerance for the kind of play from this game (hence why Angel Pagan has been traded out of the building, one of the base-running perpetrators from this contest). 

It's all going to be alright, folks. Better days ahead.

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