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Friendships and Family (Elements of Memoir)

         A great deal of memoir includes elements of friendships, family, or both.  Then there is the memoir where some aspect of one of these is the focus.  The memoir story might focus on your relationship with a grandparent, a sibling, a favorite aunt or uncle, or even life with your parents.  There are so many great stories to be found within the family.  They can include a wide range of emotions and complications.  The stories can be how a family member helped or hurt you or some event or experience that you shared with them.

        Any of these things can also apply to relationships with friends.   Our bonds in friendships can be some of the deepest, most emotional, and longest lasting that we can ever have.   There is wonderful story material to be found in our friendships with others.

        When writing about real people and events be sure to seek permission where you feel it is needed and discuss what you are doing with anyone who is still living so that you don't create any bad feeling or even run into any legal difficulties.

         If the stories are positive and truthful, your story characters will probably be more than willing to consent to being a part of your story and even help with the research you need to do in helping you to remember the details of the story.

        Do you think your family and friends would be willing to be a part of your memoir?   Has anyone included you in the telling of a memoir?    Would you want to be a character of a published real life story?

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