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From the Tables... ~Attack on Sulaco~

Played a 1,500 point Spearhead Annihilation v. Kings' Mantis Warriors...

In 943.M41 a Mantis Warrior Strike Force under the command of First Company Captain Hoenir encountered the Tyranid Splinter Fleet known as Chupacabra. The Tyranids were engaged in an assault on the Civilized world of Sulaco, but had not yet defeated the local PDF. The Chapter still remembered the sting of the loss it suffered to this same group of Tyranids on the planet Durjah in 935.M41. Captain Hoenir himself led a force onto the planets surface. There they took up defense in the ruins of the city Mansolos and awaited the Swarm.

Kings reserved a large portion of his army and I was able to Infiltrate pretty close with the Genestealers. The Tactical Squad below moved onto the board, but failed to do much damage to the Genestealers, even though they were rapid-firing.

So both Genestealer units got off a Turn 2 charge...

The Doom came down into the heart of his deployment zone via Mycetic Spore and was a big headache for Kings all game.

The Genestealers meet up with the Doom after they finish off Kings first Terminator unit...

My play on his backfield probably would have won me the game if his Devastator unit hadn't so effectively pinned down my Monstrous Creature force. As it was, Hoenir (Sicarius), delivered his Coup de Gras attack on the Doom, insta-killing him, and securing Kings a 1 KP victory.

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