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Karakuri Special Project

I have just completed my unit of Karakuri robots for infinity the game and thought I would share the results with you all. I am in the process of writing up my battle reports for blog wars (which are taking a little time as I have never written one before) but I have still been hobbying and have a ton of stuff to post that should keep me going for at least the next month.

Karakuri Special Project

So onto the models. They have quite an interesting aesthetic that I was not overly fond of at first glance, but the more time I have spent with the models the more I really like them. I enjoy the smooth armour plates and the Geisha type aesthetics of them, and they really do feel like some futuristic Japanese creation, bristling with weapons.

Assembling them was a bit of a nightmare. I could not get the legs to stick together as they had some weird joins that meet at the inner hip, and I had to use a ton of glue to fix them in place. Once they were all assembled I realised I had not cut the tabs off at the base so I could mount them on their resin bases after they had been painted. In the process of cutting these off I managed to completely destroy all my previous attempts to assemble the minis. Arms, legs and heads were all broken off, much to my frustration, and plenty of cursing ensued. In the end I had to pin each part of the model at every joint to get them to stay together, which was immensely frustrating and time consuming, not to mention a little difficult. They are pretty robust now but I wanted to cry by the end of it all.

I decided to batch paint all three of them together, which is a bit of a departure for me, as all my previous Infinity models have been done singly. Because there were a lot of smooth areas and simple colours I figured it would be much more efficient to do it this way. I am glad I did but it was still a long process, and one that I will probably not do again. Infinity figures tend to lend themselves better to being painted singly, as they are so small and fiddly and much more time and care is spent in painting them

I like the finished result. The blending and highlighting works nicely, and the colours don't detract from the models at all, which I was afraid it would. The bases I am also pleased with, as I feel it adds a nice bit of character and story to each of the robots. All in all an enjoyable little break from painting thunderwolves :D

NafNaf out!



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