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Mealplan Monday #2 with a recipe for Jamaican Rice and Beans

This week, we're having easy dinners so I can budget a very nice Easter dinner for my peeps!  
Totally worth it, I say  (:
Monday - Spagetti for Mom, Firstborn, and Bubbie, salad
Tuesday - Kraft Fresh Takes chicken (I got a coupon for a free package so I am looking forward to trying it), skillet potatoes, and mixed veggies
Wednesday - Jamaican Rice and Beans*, sauteed squash
Thursday - Rosemary's Green Pepper Stew (from the I Hate To Cook Book), corn muffins
Friday - Tilapia Tacos, pico de gallo, shredded cabbage, sour cream and monterey jack cheese, chili beans
Saturday - Dad Grill  (every week its different - maybe chicken this week)
Sunday - Roast Pork, Green Bean Casserole, mashed potatoes with gravy, oven carrots, deviled eggs, rolls.  For dessert I'm making strawberry cake balls and trying my hand at these marshmallows, and maybe a coconut pie.  We'll also have a nice cabernet and tea.  A BIG dinner, I know, but I want to have enough leftovers to send with The Girl back to her college apartment.

*This is a recipe I got out of a magazine - it involves spiffing up a boxed red beans and rice mix with a can of diced tomatoes, and some diced leftover roast.  So good!
Monday is an Honor Scout dinner at our house - Hubby will grill steaks for 6 boys.  So three of us will have an easy meal.  Since Monday is when I do housework, I'll be pooped anyway - so that's fine by me. On Sunday I get to go to church and spend the day with family - which is the thing I am looking forward to the most!  All six of us need the shot in the arm of spending a day together, enjoying each other's company, and having a good meal.
Now, to get shopping...

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