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Post # 700

Well, here it is: Post # 700 on this blog. Who would have thought I'd stick to blogging for so long when I first started? Not me, that's for sure! Also, I had no idea what direction this blog was going to take, how it would change over the years along with the changes in my life (some voluntary, some completely beyond my control or what I would have expected), or of the contacts and friends all over the world I was going to make through it.

The self-set task of finding a good topic for this milestone post proved to be impossible. Therefore, I've done what I think is also suitable because it matches the range of topics my blog usually covers: Mixing and matching.

If you have your own blog, you are probably familiar with this situation: You take pictures while you're out, or at home, with the intention of using them on a post. But days and weeks and months pass, and you never write that post because somehow you are not as inspired as you thought you were when you took the picture. Or you suddenly think the original idea behind the post won't be of any interest, or it's not "enough" to warrant a post on its own. But for some reason, you do not delete the picture. Instead, you keep it in a folder on your computer, and other such folders begin to accumulate, or (if you are neat and tidy) other such pictures find their way into the same folder. Every now and then, you may even look at the pictures and think of the original idea behind them. Does this sound a bit like you? It certainly sounds a lot like me, because it is exactly what has been happening here over the past 3 years.

But today, I am opening that folder and showing you what I've found - in no particular order:
Cats in my neighbourhood. The one in the first picture looks a bit like my Pukky, but it wasn't her.

A trip down Memory Lane to the Black Forest town where I went to Librarian School, meeting two of my former class mates and walking along the river with them. This was in May 2013.

 Another cat I met while out running.

Disused rail tracks not too far from where I live. I love looking along those tracks and imagine them leading to all kinds of mysterious and exciting places. Of course in reality I know exactly where they lead to, but it's the idea that counts.

The buffet RJ and I prepared for his birthday party at my place last year in July.

View from my kitchen window on the morning of October 14, 2014.

Helping my Mum to sell her hand-made socks at the 2014 version of the event I blogged about here in 2013.

June 2014 in a much loved part of Ludwigsburg's palace grounds.

October 2014, taken during a walk with RJ.

Many of these pictures were taken with my mobile phone, which explains their quality (or, rather, the lack of it). Still, they show a mix of several of those topics that have featured (and will continue to do so) on here. I don't know if there will be another 700 posts, but right now I can't see myself stopping blogging any time soon - and I hope I will keep you as my precious readers!

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