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Pumpkin Patch 2010

Earlier this week, the girls and I (along with Mimi) took our annual trip to the Pumpkin Patch!
It was a beautiful Fall day.
The sky was blue, the sun was shining & my girls were in great moods!
For the first time EVER at the pumpkin patch, they agreed to stand by the Pumpkin Patch Measuring Sign.
Neither of them have cooperated with this in years past, so I was glad to FINALLY get a picture of them by this lame sign. ha!
After the girls were "measured" it was time for some pumpkin patch fun!
(like riding on a plastic pony)
Another first for us this year was to actually attempt the corn maze!
Both girls loved running through the corn maze. It was hard & we couldn't find the exit.
And, in typical Kate fashion, here she is grabbing her bottom because she has to go poop, but won't do that in public restrooms, so she holds it until she gets home. Funny girl.
After the corn maze, the girls wanted to go on the "Caterpillar Train"
There are a lot of perks about going to the pumpkin patch in the late afternoon.
One is that there are NO crowds. At all. I think there were maybe 10 cars in the parking lot. We basically had the whole farm/pumpkin patch to ourselves!
The downside of going to the pumpkin patch in the late afternoon is that most of the rides/activities were already shut down for the day. Like this "train" for instance. It was normally pulled by a truck, but not during off peak hours. It just sat there.
The girls didn't seem to mind, they still had fun climbing on the "train".
And, I loved the fact that all the rides/attractions weren't running. That saved me a lot of money!

Next up was the animals, which neither girl was impressed with.
Here is a quote from Kate when she saw this Alpaca.
"Mommy, I do not like that animal. Do not take a picture of it"
Then we headed to the mini pumpkin patch area so I could take our annual pumpkin patch picture.
Click HERE to see 2007 & 2008.
Click HERE to see 2009

Well, let's just say my children wouldn't sit still for a picture (shocker).
Claire was much more interested in picking up all the pumpkins.
She also tried throwing them, but I nixed that after her first attempt. Crazy Claire!
I wish you could have heard Kate while I was taking this picture.
Kate was screaming, "Mommy! Stop taking my picture!"
So, I obliged (for a few minutes at least) and took pictures of all the fun pumpkins & gourds!
I love these Cinderella pumpkins...
These funky pumpkin/squash are fun:
Kate's favorite is the baby pumpkins:
I love the the small baby pumpkins:
Kate also liked to sit on all the pumpkins, as you can tell by her smile!
Here's Claire trying to pick up another pumpkin!
Our last picture of the day & it is my favorite!
We had a great time at the Pumpkin Patch.
It's one of my favorite places to go during the Fall!
By the way....have I mentioned how much I love Pumpkins & the Fall?

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