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#RPGaDay: Day 31

31. What do you anticipate most for gaming in 2018?

Answer: I anticipate I'll be running a regular Basic Fantasy game with a local group about once a month. This is what I look forward to the most in the coming year - to make good on my return to the hobby. My group have talked about trading off running different games for each other, but my schedule probably won't allow for any more than once every three weeks. If I can get some traction and play through the Morgansfort campaign I just began, I'd like to expand it by play-testing some of my own adventures that I've been working on in solitude the past couple years. Eventually I'd like to have about a half-dozen quests or story hooks in the setting which the PCs could bounce around.

The long-term goal would be to assemble my notes and materials and either submit it to the Basic Fantasy Project or collect it into its own setting book to sell online as a PDF and print-on-demand. This book would be more than just another module or loose collection of adventures, and I'd like it to be more than just a campaign setting book. At the same time I'm not interested in creating my own OSR RPG rules. There are a lot of OSR games which are basically someone's house rules for original, Basic, or 1e D&D. The book would be able to be used as a supplement with any OSR game system. It wouldn't be a standalone game. It would assume the reader knew how to do role-play and had already had a game engine that they liked. The book would include a setting with modular story hooks that could be played sandbox style. It would also give ideas about how to scale the level of magic in the campaign so that it could be used as a gritty, low-fantasy game with little-to-no magic and even the option not to use demi-humans; or it could be used as very high-fantasy world of magical wonder (with faeries, dragons, and elves). I'm working on an idea on how to facilitate this level of flexibility.

I also anticipate keeping up with this blog. Even if it seems like I'm talking in a room by myself, having a place to sort through my thoughts will help me be a better gamer/GM and work towards my goal of putting out a book. In addition to the blog I'd like to make some more connections with like-minded people in the RPG Brigade and find other people who challenge my thinking. I started doing RPGaDay as a way to kick this blog off with a bit of inertia and it stuck. I hope and plan to keep it up going into 2018.

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