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That was awesome!

Now what?

As predicted, I did only a few pages of edits (10) this week.

Tuesday was consumed by Mockingjay. I would have finished if I hadn't forced myself to not read after I got home from work and to save some for the next day of work.

But by Wed. it was impossible not to just bust it out. I had to keep going. I had to know. I was consumed! I love it. Finished it. Put it down. Sat for a moment. Couldn't resist posting my opinions on a few spoiler blogs about specifics. Then...I sat some more. Decided I needed to sleep. Laid down. And thought about it some more.

It's impossible to let it go! All tonight i have been trying to hunt up a book that can take its place but nothing is jumping out at me except one book, Across the Universe, that's not due out until 01/11/11!! The first chapter, I fell into. But now must wait on that one!

Any suggestions of a good YA book that could possibly follow Mockingjay would be much appreciated.

Not only was Mockingjay probably the best, most perfect, conclusion to a much loved series but also, it has hindered my ability to focus! Not only because it's one of those books that sticks with you like gum on the bottom of your boot(you know the ones) but also because i look at my own books and crinkly my nose up at them.

All I can think about is how incomparable my material is next the that. How I could only dream of wrenching a readers heart like Suzanne Collins did. How mine looks like middle school creative writing assignment i did the Sunday before it was due compared to THAT.

And because I'm feeling inadequate, I can't write like myself. I find myself trying to evoke the same kind of emotion and mine isn't about that kind of human interaction, strife, etc. It's different. And because it's different, I'm different, and my style is different all I can do is just stop for a while. Because if I try and go on right now I'll just taint my own voice and it will be all wrong. Not me.

I think I just described Mockingjay as "so good you'll think you suck at life"

Kinda bummed, kinda elated. Kinda needing a new book! What comes next? OH:

Paranormalcy looks good. I have been hearing/reading good things about that a lot lately. Probably because it comes out next Tuesday. There. That's life after Mockingjay.

Today I babysat a wonderful 2 year old. He's a doll but I enjoy children I can give back to their parents. Kids=A-OKAY as long as they go home when they start fussing.

Saturday I have a girl coming over to have some art finished up, hopefully.

And Sunday my husbands best friend, who's memory foam mattress we have been loving for about a year now, is coming to reclaim his possessions now that he is able to claim them.

This weekend is devoted to getting back my own head and heart for my writing and to morning the loss of the mattress from heaven. Come Sunday night my back will wish it were dead when we go back to our old bed.

Any suggestions on a good book, mattress type, or any other advice would be lovely.

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