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The Philippine Army Museum

I had a couple of free hours after lunch today and I thought maybe I could drive around and find me a place to shoot. As I was driving thru Fort Bonifacio, I then remembered visiting The Philippine Army Museum last year so I headed there for another look.

Unfortunately though, the museum was closed and under renovation due to a fire that hit an area on the second floor not too long ago. Reopening of the museum is projected for next year.

But all wasn't lost because because right beside the main museum is a whole yard full of tanks and arsenals on display for everyone to see. I had a blast firing my camera away!

I am so not into these military terms and weapons and tanks but these huge cold, metallic killing machines make for interesting photo models. I wish I could tell the names of each one of these but I can't, because I don't know. Some signs were up beside some of the tanks. It would crack my brains though if I try to memorize each one.

This one was a bit easier to remember though... the sign said "Samaritan Ambulance". Now that is something I can understand pretty well.

This was the only gun pointing upwards. My guess is, it is use to take down flying targets; so it is most likely an anti aircraft rifle.

They call this the Howitzer.

(view from behind)

(view from the front)

(and a view right through it)

Miko had a blast posing with it, on it and beside it. She had fun.

As I was leaving the museum, I saw this spectacular view of the vast parade grounds of the camp fronting the Grandstand, and I just had to take the shot.
The Philippine Army Museum is right here in the Metro. Maybe it is not too much for us if we could spare a few minutes of our time to pass by and re-visit our history.

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