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What did we do today? Well, we went to church and then Daughter 1 and the grandchildren (still can't quite used to saying that, in the plural!) came back to us for lunch.

In answer to various questions, no alas I didn't knit any of the items you've been admiring. I'm not much of a knitter. The little pink hat worn by Granddaughter at birth was provided by the hospital and knitted by one of the auxiliary nurses. The blanket she's wrapped in here was knitted by various of Daughter 1's Ravelry friends. The cardigan in this picture was created by the other, more talented, grandmother. Daughter 1's shawl was made by Daughter 1 herself.

I'm sure I must have some latent talents but I can't think what they might be.

Mr Life had a nice snooze under the patchwork quilt made by (no, again not by me) Thimbleanna and then read some books with Grandson.

How that boy loves his vehicles.

Grandson is such good fun. I had forgotten what a sense of humour small children can have. He makes jokes - not by verbal dexterity but by deliberately doing things to make us laugh. And you can sense the wheels in his amazing little head whirring away as he finds out new things about the world. By contrast, Granddaughter is at that stage of looking to and fro between half-closed  eyes, just beginning to put two and two together - or not even that, just slowly assembling tiny bits of information and puzzling away at them.

It won't take her long, though, to get used to being here. The new baby stage is so fleeting. That soft skin! the wrinkly knees! the wobbly head!

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