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Giveaway Winner Announced !!

First off, i want to truely thank each and every one of you for supporting me. When i first created this blog, it was really just for me to start a little hobby and share with others what i feel about the products i have bought in the past. Im the type of girl who always researches a product before she buys it and therefore im always searching for reviews and swatches. Alot of the times, i end up finding reviews that dont contain swatches and it is then when i realized that i should help out others who are looking for product swatches etc. I hope that my swatches do help out at least some of you :)

Anyways, you're probably just wanting to know who the winner of the giveaway is! haha after going through 235 entries made by 92 different amazing followers, i went to random.org and the winning number is........
Which means the winner for my first giveaway is...

Jazzsquared and Macksquared !!!
Please visit their lovely blog here!

Congrats!! I will be emailing you girls shortly to let you know the good news! Once i get your information, i will send out the package as soon as possible :) I hope you enjoy these little items and i promise next time, i will have better stuff for my giveaway haha :D

Thank you all for participating! I have read each and every one of your entries and they are all very helpful. I will be doing my best to provide better DIY projects, product swatches, tutorials, EOTD and FOTD in the future. If you ever want me to review a certain product or post about a specific topic, dont be afraid to ask :) I will do my best and do what i can :)

I think my next giveaway will be at either 200 or 250 followers. Hopefully this happens before late august because i will be leaving for a cruise! and i would love to have the giveaway started before i leave! :) thank you all once again! i hope you all have a great day!

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