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Minders - a Pulp Alley Game

These meetings never happen. Ask anyone who goes to them. They will tell you there is no such thing. With good reason: if people could see this, they would be beyond appalled. The Governor's right hand man, a trader, a gang patriarch, a psyker and some creepy cultist. There's no way you should find those people in one room. And so you won't. You won't, because it's my job to see that you don't.
The Dark Coterie meets in out of the way places, places you wouldn't normally go. But, just in case, Petro Bolt and his three offsiders have been employed to make sure no one stumbles on them.
The problem is, a secret this big doesn't stay a secret forever. Today, it's not accidental visitors Bolt has to worry about. Two other gangs of mercenaries have gotten wind of this meeting, and they're keen to lay hands on Bolt's precious charges.

Scrooner, mercenary gunslinger, moves in with his cyberhound.
The other gang rushes Bolt, and carnage ensues.
(The boys made up these gangs themselves and this one had a curious combination of figures!)

The members of the Dark Coterie scatter in panic.
Bolt is back up (and down), as the judge moves in to grab the cultist.
To no avail!
Scrooner looks to join in the fun.
Bolt goes down and stays down. The Coterie are looking vulnerable!
But a combination of inept rolling...
...distraction from the main targets...
...and spoiling moves from Bolt's men...
...mean that none of the Coterie are taken!

I played this game with the two boys. As the defender, I expected to be meat in their sandwich. However, they got a little distracted beating each other up (week 2 of school holidays brings all the sibling rivalries to the surface!)

This was the first game where both boys designed their own leagues, something they really enjoyed doing.

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