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My painting desk

I mentioned over on my Zombie blog that I needed to tidy up the area I paint my minis in.

Despite I thought I had tidied it not so long ago time plays tricks on our minds and before I knew it my work area was in a disgraceful state:

A quick clean up later and it looks like this:

And I thought I would post another photo showing what is on the desk:

My to do pile contains figures I intend to paint soonish. Some sooner than later. At the moment the pile has my TAG Viet Cong Figures and some 15mm Napoleonic British.

 I have a variety of tools, pens/pencils and brushes to do different jobs.

Half done figures has some of the aforementioned 15mm Napoleonic British, and a few bits and pieces for other games.

The Old paint pile is my old paint pile from before I learnt about the existence of Vallejo paints.

Painting Record - I now keep a book at hand for keeping notes on which paints I use for uniforms etc.  It is very useful for when you go back to paint the same uniform again - it means you don't have to relearn which colours to use all over again.

Work in progress - the figures I am working on at the moment. To the front are the VC figures I am completing the basing on, and the behind them (in front of the paints) are the VC I am painting up now.

Stuff for basing is basically a couple of types of filler products I put on the bases of my figures when needed.

Tube Paint - I buy artists paints for colours I use a lot, like black, and for things like undercoating and bases as it is cheaper and saves wasting the better paints I have.

Sample paint pots - I use these for scenery. A cheap sample pot from the hardware store is great for painting up scenery.

Main paint stash - my Vallejo paints, plus a few other odds and ends thrown in.

Unfinished model building - I think this is over two years old now, and I haven't finished it :-(

Varnish for figures - I am using a liquid varnish that I paint on to my figures. This varnish is what they use in the art galleries to protect the paintings from the effects of sunlight etc.  I use the matt varnish, but it comes out a bit shiny. I would hate to see what the gloss is like.

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