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Salem and the Beach House

I'm back! Thank you Blog Tech for filling in for me! Now I pay for my time away by playing catch up with everything around here. Like grocery shopping....I just returned from the dreaded 'back from vacation' grocery shopping. It took hours. I have lots more to post from Salem and will do so all of this week. I discovered one of the coolest things you will ever see and will devote a whole post to it tomorrow. My head is still spinning from it and I can't wait to show it to you.

The house on the left is where we stayed on the trip.

It had views of the ocean from every room.

The house is literally built right onto the rocks at the end of the beach.

The breakfast room looked right out over the beach. Teddy loved to sit here and watch everyone on the beach.

There are homes ringing the entire bay.

This is Teddy telling me it is time for a walk.

This is puppy heaven. Dogs run and play on this beach all day long.

These are the rocks right off the deck.

When the tide was out you could walk on the rocks and search for sea creatures in the tide pools.

Way off in the distance you can see twin lighthouses.

We watched people surfing here when the water was rough.

The full moon reflected on the ocean.

A small lawn area to sit and watch the gulls fly by.

I just don't get the huge cement lion. Why?

A granite staircase leads to the beach.

You can see how the house sits on the giant granite boulders.

Back in Salem the witches are still showing their colors.

If you didn't bring your own costume you could rent one and have your picture taken in it.

This place is truly morbid. They had death photos on display from the Victorian era.

I made my daughter stand by this guy.

But then he did this.

And my daughter quickly disappeared.

I passed on a reading. I like surprises.

A very tasteful and appropriate cape and hat for the holiday!

Caped dudes abound.

As well as cloaked ones.

*Make sure to come back tomorrow to see the remarkable!

***And remember to enter the special Salem giveaway by clicking on the Teddy's Treats button on my sidebar.

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