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Where Have I BEEN??? Bits and Pieces From Our Week......

 I don't like getting behind in my journal - on line or in my Country Diary.
Sometimes things happen that cause us to pause in our normal routines and go into another mode.
You will remember my special prayer request of two weeks ago, and that has, once again, come into play this past week. All will be shared as time goes on but for now.....please continue to pray.


Louis Dean and I headed over to Quadville to enjoy some extra time with 'the babies.'
They will not allow us to call them that much longer!!!
This fall they will be in school THREE days a week!!!
This means that THIS will be our last school year of regular Quad Days!!!!

Suffice it to say that we are counting our blessings and adding every opportunity to spend some precious time with these quadlings while we can.
They will be teenagers before we turn around twice!
Look at Trystan on my mini iPad!

Kailey was BORN a teenager!!!

Harrison has such a great personality!
He is a helper and a deep thinker and as wonderful a boy as you would ever hope to meet.
I am certain he will be an Eagle Scout following in his dad, brothers, and grandfather's footsteps.

Okay, Logan is simply Logan!!!
My Mini Me - but, oh, so much MORE!!!!
The ME I wanted to be!

We stayed all afternoon and into the evening.
The kids helped to prepare the fruit for dinner that night.

Trystan took that strawberry job seriously!

Aunt Summer arrived with the main course from Chick Fil A!!
A hands down favorite!

Hands around the table.....prayers being said.

Dinner time should be fun and it was!!!!

Harrison wanted to use my camera and took this pic as I waved goodbye!!


I am sad to say that I am still struggling with my toe after the surgery on May 19th.

I had developed an ingrown toe nail in my already bad toe!
That just added insult to injury!
Thankfully, Lovely Nails, right here in Irving on Beltline Road, fixed me right up!

And since I was OUT.....and since it was TUESDAY......

I hit up the Goodwill which just so happens to be a few blocks up from Lovely Nails.

I was happy with the flower vase and candles, napkins and pillow shams.

The Christmas items were 50% off and I bought the moose on a whim!
The quads will love it!

I did not watch the DNC - I am not so much a Republican and I am SO not a Democrat -
however, I come from a long line of die hard Democrats and who am I to not allow my mother to watch the convention?

I was busy doing housework while she watched it and I ran across a collection of political campaign buttons I had.

I vaguely remember a sweet lady giving me these and I knew Mother would enjoy looking at them!

I was right!!


Three quarters of the Quad Squad came over to spend a few days.

The first thing we did was make Dilly Bits!!!
They LOVE these!!!

The second thing we did was fill the pool Aunt Summer bought them and have a pretend tea party!

July isn't July without water!
Baths were done outside that night - easy peasy!

The kids love eating at the picnic bench!
Heart shaped pasta in meat sauce with and garlic bread and pickled beets.
Not much notice given to the pickled beets.

Mother LOVED seeing the kids!!!

She was eating them up!!!

Mother kept telling me to take PICTURES!!!
She is 90 years old and wants them to have photos to remember her by.

I went in to do the dinner dishes and when I cam out, Mother made me understand that the kids had used my iPad to take some photos.
Like over 50!

I kept a few.....

Like this one.....


Louis Dean was a genius in making the sleeping arrangements Wednesday night!
All three kids slept in the den on comfy pallets of covers and quilts and blankets with a foundation of blue packing quilts.
We ALL slept for 10 hours!!!!

I have no photos from when we woke up. Thankfully!!!
Trystan woke me up this morning  by pecking on my arm and saying, "Granddad is cooking BREAKFAST!" She was so excited! Pancakes, bacon and eggs! Win! WIN!!

What wonderful moods we are in when we get some sleep and a good breakfast under our belt!!
The kids felt free to go in the guest room since that's usually THEIR room!!!
 They discovered her magnifying glass.

Mother had a ball with them!!

The kids were so helpful, they even made up our beds!!!
You better believe I left it just like this all day!

Trystan and Logan loved rummaging through my jewelry drawers.

They were fastening vintage necklaces on to one another.

Sweet, sweet!

 Aunt Summer left a surprise gift of dress up costumes and they were a perfect hit today!
A Knight in Shining Armor with his Perfect Princesses!

Of course, we HAD  to have a Royal Tea Party!

Mother enjoyed this as much as we did!!

Granddad bought this video because he loves musicals and thought the kids would enjoy this one!

They DID!!!! I served lunch as they watched......

Trystan and Logan stayed glued to the last scene while Harrison decided a nap was in order.
The girls went to sleep but only AFTER the movie was over.

Logan has been singing and dancing ever since!!!

We spent the early evening outside and the kids discovered a frog in the kitchen pond.
I put a board in to help him crawl out.

They were beyond excited to see him hop up on the board.

Logan was brave and actually touched him.
I helped him up the board and he scurried under the rocks by the pond.

The kids pronounced that he had gone home! So he had!

So that's it for the 'Bits and Pieces' of this week!!
Louis Dean and I are excited about this weekend and a very happy birthday party!!!

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