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Why I Write Fantasy - Berinn Rae

Welcome Berinn Rae, Author of fun fast-paced urban fantasy!
Amber: Why do you write fantasy?
Berinn: Growing up, my elementary teacher called me her little space cadet. At the time I thought nothing of it. After all, I’ve always been an introvert with an overactive imagination. And I often felt happiest daydreaming in the worlds that I created. My childhood was great, but I still fantasized about more. That’s when I dove into Sci-Fi/Fantasy. Comic books, movies, books, TV. You name it. If it was Sci-Fi/Fantasy, I was all over it.
At some point, I realized I had so many ideas swirling around in my mind that I needed to let them out. Writing became that outlet. All of my ideas focused on strong, sassy women who go for what they want. And when they come out to play, all hell breaks loose. In my debut novel, Knightfall, releasing this month, my heroine is a half-breed angel believed to be the harbinger of Armageddon. The action heats up from there when sexy knight is sent to kill her. What happens next? You’ll have to read the book. J

Amber: Do you do a lot of research or do you rely on imagination in writing fantasy?
Berinn: In a fantasy novel, as readers we’re asked to believe in the fantastic. So, the rest of the story needs to be as real as possible to blend it all together. While I tend to start with what I know, I let my imagination run wild in getting the words on the page. When I hit the second draft, I’ll do my research. For example, my heroine in Knightfall is a bush pilot in Alaska. Even though I’m a pilot, I needed to learn how flying in Alaska was different from the flying I do in the Midwest. I believe it’s important to be accurate when talking about anything we can see, hear, taste, or do today.

Amber: What are your favorite fantasy novels?
Berinn: I read everything I can get my hands on - from comic books to the classics - although fantasy novels always topped my list (as long as they have a glimpse of romance for my softer side). Current series on my pre-buy list include Jocelynn Drake’s Dark Days, Jim Butcher’s Dresden Files, Patricia Briggs’ Mercy Thompson and Alpha and Omega, and Karen Chance’s Cassandra Palmer. A classic I pull out every couple years is Orson Scott Card’s Ender’s Game.

Amber: Why do readers love fantasy?
Berin: I can only speak for myself as a lover of fantasy. Life isn’t easy. It’s not meant to be. A good fantasy novel can take me out of the real world for a few hours. In fantasy, I can be whomever I want and go wherever I want. There’s no other genre that offers the surreal worlds I can find in fantasy. Give me a story chocked full of escapism, and I’m happy.

Amber: Would you write fantasy even if no one read it?
Berinn: Easy answer. Yes. Although, I got to say that there’s nothing better than having a reader tell me how reading my story gave them goose bumps.   
Amber: Thanks for visit Workshaping and sharing.
Berinn: Thanks for having me, Amber!

Berinn Rae writes sexy fantasies about extraordinary women in epic events. Her debut novel, Knightfall the first story in The Seven Seals series, is coming out April 2011 by Crescent Moon Press. 
A nomadic spirit with a license to fly, she is always in search of new adventures and happy endings. 

Coming April 2011
Life is relatively normal for bush pilot Kerra Cain. That is, until a fallen angel reveals himself, with plans to use her to destroy the Seven Seals.To escape, she must place her trust in the arms of Gareth, a dangerously sexy but enigmatic man who has haunted her dreams for years. Thrown into a desperate war for survival, Kerra must embrace a heritage long denied her in Knightfall, Berinn Rae’s debut fantasy romance coming this month from Crescent Moon Press.

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