I used a base, then I put NYX Jumbo Pencil in Milk on top like in my lady gaga video..

The bitch crease! :( I should've stuck with UDPP like I was going to use in the first place but I used TFSI! I mean it's good when there's not something creamy on top. But anywho, I liked the way it turned out besides the creasing :)

I'm breaking out all over my face! :( you can't tell much in the picture because I guess the flash was reflected off my "light reflecting" shimmers lol. Wearing the "B52" lipstick with "Nice Kitty l/g" on top :D I also went motion crazy today and edit the photos with labels :P I should really do it to all my photos but I'm just too lazy!
I took advantage of the NYX sale but I ordered off cherry culture :D I didn't really own any NYX before this because it's really hard to find NYX products over here. I see they're finally putting some into Ulta but the ones they have are really natural (and full price :P)
Click the images to enlarge :)
Here's all I got:

A comparison picture with MAC HK since I was playing around with them today :) I didn't swatch them yet but "Pinky" and "Tippy" look so similar in the pics!

Lipliners. I only own one before this and it was a NYX one LOL! Hasn't even been sharpened yet, that's how much I use it

Round Glosses. Haven't tested them out yet, I was just real excited to post this up. Honestly, I didn't even open them yet! x)

Round lipsticks. I used B52 today but I don't think it matched real well with my eyeshadow haha! They were real moisturizing :)

Stupid mail man stuck it in my mailbox and it was so hot today in texas! See cocoa? All that sweat! I guess that one didn't recover yet :P I left them in front of my fan for almost an hour to try to cool them down. I was thinking freezer but then I'd probably forget all about it lol

I got more jumbo pencils :) *Note to self* Don't use TFSI underneath! Use UDPP!

I'm definitely going to join Katrina's contest :D I got a whole rainbow to use now xP Will definitely work on a look for you Wednesday or Thursday :) Check it out if you haven't yet, it sounds really fun and colorful.
I have a scheduled appointment with myself and the boyfriend's little sister to wash makeup brushes this week.. I hope I remember and don't get sidetracked :P