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Solutions for skin anti-aging eye and neck

Solutions for skin anti-aging eye and neck
Solutions for skin anti-aging eye and neck

The passage of time, the use of unsuitable cosmetics, and environmental factors cause real havoc on the skin of the neck and eyes, as they are more prone to aging.

In winter, these areas of the body need attention and special protection. Here are some solutions that will stop time instead

Neck Care

This area is most sensitive, and when the skin begins to rideze, not even plastic surgery can help. Neck skin should have the same type of care that we provide skin: cleansing, toning, serum, moisturizer. Neck uses thermal waters, refreshing and just wearing silk scarves.

Do not delay to buy a wrinkle serum effect if neck skin is dehydrated or aging. Sera are treatments that are applied on the skin regularly with intervals of rest.

To maintain muscle can call on a number of exercises that can be done at any time of day.

The exercises will strengthen neck muscles and allow blood to flow better to the brain. Also, the neck skin will become firmer and last longer in the battle with time.

1.Having motions of rotation of the head. Let your chin to your chest, then tilt your head to the right shoulder to left shoulder when. Return to the starting position and continue. It is good that the movements are performed slowly for 10 minutes.

2. Straighten your back and look straight, then turn your head slightly to the left, then right. Repeat this movement 20 times.

3. Raise your shoulders up close earlobes. Relax. Repeat this movement several times.

4. Sit in a chair with your back straight and let your head back, much as you can. Without changing your position, make small turns of the head, and rocking motion up and down.

This exercise is indicated for the neck under the chin, which is the most exposed wrinkling and aging, because here is formed double chin.

Parsley for beautiful skin

This is a miracle for the skin! If you want to keep skin elasticity and freshness, you could do a course for a week with parsley seeds.

For this treatment you will need: 50 g of seeds of parsley (root may also be used) to boil a liter of water in 5 minutes, and then infuses a further 15 minutes. Consume 2 cups per day, morning and evening before meals.

Also, if your skin is loaded with blackheads and pimples recommend you to use a decoction of parsley. For a week, morning and evening, wash face with lukewarm broth parsley. Broth is obtained from a relationship of parsley, boil for 15 minutes).

The area around the eyes

With time, the skin around the eyes becomes more prone to wrinkling. This is due to decreased production of collagen, the number of hormones and loss of skin elasticity.

First steps to protect this area are: to get enough sleep at night (at least 8 hours) and be properly hydrated (at least 2 liters of water per day). Give up cheap cosmetics and invests in special the eye area (sera active ingredients)

Apply mask for this area, with role-aging. Home you could get an effective mask cream and parsley.

You need 2 tablespoons of cream and a teaspoon of fresh parsley, very finely cut.

Parsley is mixed with cream after which the paste is spread around the eyes and allowed to act for 10-15 minutes. Remove with cold water.

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