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Holly Golightly - Breakfast at Tiffany's.


I was always fascinated by the name "Holly Golightly" in Breakfast at Tiffany's. 

Nowadays I try to travel that way - lightly - and what you see above is one of my two "posh" little suitcases (the other one is sensible grey-silver-black :-) 

They are of the size that is allowed as hand baggage - and as I always try to minimise weight and number of things I take with me, I can survive with one (!) of these suitcases for a week. The most difficult problem are always the shoes - of course I wear my trainers or boots on my feet, but if one has dresses to wear that will not do (young people think differently about it - and yes - I prefer to run through a city in trainers too - but then with Jeans, not a dress). 

The two suitcases (the glamorous pink one is from Heidi Klum's Next Top Model :-) ) are in hot demand by the triplets. The run with them through my flat - well, and the suitcases look a bit more -- used.--- 

But they still are in one piece - thus one will tomorrow accompany me in the train to Berlin (hopefully, as since two days I have a cold - NO covid, no fever - just a plain old cold). 

And the KaDeWe in Berlin has a Tiffany Shop. Though they do not serve breakfast there :-) 

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