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Just My Imagi-Nation Part 8: Forces of Bombenburst

Having now painted and based at least one of each unit type in the Bomenburst  army, here's what they look like.

All sixteen units plus the general, ten more to go till it is complete.

Curassirers, only one unit of these in the army.

Dragoons, one painted, one more needed.

Hussars, the one and only unit.

The Bomenburst Guards, both units are painted and based.

Line infantry, three done, five more to go. ~sigh~

Skirmishers.  The army has four of these, so complete.

The Artillery.  I need four with bronze guns and four with steel guns, the bronze ones are all done. No rush for the steel artillery, won't be needed for many campaign years.

The General, Frederick von Kutee.

I have decided to start the campaign without doubling the unit numbers in the scenarios, the armies in the 1848 war are much smaller than the forces later in the century.  I need to complete some more terrain tiles and then the armies shall march. :)

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